- Sale strictly forbidden to minors under 18 years old.
- Calumette in no way promotes smoking. Smoking "classic" cigarettes (also known as "killing" cigarettes) is very harmful to your health and those around you. Smoking kills.
- In accordance with French legislation, we would like to point out that the e-cigarette is not currently considered to be a means of quitting smoking (although some health insurance companies do reimburse the purchase of e-cigarettes).
- Vaping is a transition to a life without tobacco and then without nicotine addiction.
- Don't vape if you don't smoke.
Pursuant to Article 6 of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN), users of the "www.calumette.com" website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:
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Director of publication: Sébastien JONCHERAY
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- Design: © copyright CALUMETTE with gifted red skins: Frédéric Guérineau / Christian Laporte. All rights reserved.
- Photos : © copyright CALUMETTE. All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited under penalty of prosecution.